> Beat up by store employee?

Beat up by store employee?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Troll post but I'll bite. In a case like this. The person who started the incident got their @$$ handed to them. Tough sh^%.

If someone starts a fight and gets their @$$ handed to them, they deserve it and deserved to be charged for assault on top of it.

To block a punch, use an open hand and push the fist out of the way enough so that it does not hit you somewhere that it may cause damage, such as your stomach.

That's for the original punch though, once you're on the ground about to pass out I think you're pretty much fked.

In this question, you're 22.

But in this, you're 16, and 5' 4", and 168lbs


And here you're 5' 3" and 155lbs


And here you're 19, and 5' 5", and 165lbs


Come on, grow up kid. Stop trolling.

Don't start fights and you'll never loose

Don't feed the troll.

Do not start fights.....

I'm a 22 year old girl btw. And I was trying on some clothes at a mall recently and I was having a bad day so I was a little rude(which I now regret). And the employee suggested a bigger size(I'm fat) and I started arguing with her and it escalated to where I threw a punch and missed her and then she beat me senseless after that. She punched me in my big soft belly until I nearly passed out. I was begging her to stop and I was crying. I feel very embarassed and I wanted to know what way I could better defend myself from punches to my belly?