> Backflip progression?

Backflip progression?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Find a gymnastics class. Back handspring (flic) is not a progression towards saltos (which is what you mean by "flip".)

The two are very different. People who try to teach themselves generally don't understand the mechanics of either move and do them similarly. Both skills end up being done badly, often to the point where they are dangerous. The risk of attempting one by yourself is not extremely low. It is extremely high. The chance of injuring yourself is high and within that you could have anything from sprains and bruises up to a broken neck.

Find a local gymnastics facility. They usually offer adult classes or "open gym" where you will be able to practice for cheap. Plus, they will give you all of the progressions you need. In one of the adult classes I taught, I had 3 students who wanted to learn tricks for snowboarding. We rigged up cardboard snowboards, strapped them to their feet (because you do not want to jump on a trampoline with a regular snowboard) and we would work back flips and side sumies for months. It worked out great, and they were able to use the progressions up on the mountain. Note not all gyms are cool with doing this kind of thing (for insurance reasons) So I recommend going several times and learn who would be best person to ask if it would be cool to try. Good luck

I need a good progression for learning backflips. Idk if I'm strong enough, they say your abs are worked really hard, and im not sure mine are very strong. I don't want to just try one, even though the risk is extremely low. Please leave plan to work me up to one. Maybe back handsprings?