> Attributes for a great fighter?

Attributes for a great fighter?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You need skill and strength as well as courage. Without skill and strength courage alone is not sufficient to subdue your enemies. Determination without ability is only lethal to yourself.

As for weight... that effects your endurance. A 600 lb man will in most cases, weight will work against him, it will also effect his endurance. A 120 lb girl will have a lot of endurance but her light weight may also work against her. Strength without agility will no doubtably be slow, vs someone who is flexible and agile without strength. Balance is necessary to excel in martial arts to optimize the lethal potential in each of us.

It's having better technique, skill, and knowledge than your opponent. For instance, Royce Gracie was never a great physical specimen. He gases out easily and can't take a punch. He threw in the towel once after getting punched in the face in the previous match. But in the early UFC matches, he beat guys who were better condition and stronger than he is because of skill and knowledge. Now when Jiu-jitsu spread and more people knew it, Royce Gracie and all the Gracies were getting beat badly.

That's why martial arts were kept secret at one point. It was a secret weapon. With skill and knowledge, a physical weaker person can annihilate a much larger, stronger, well-conditioned opponent. Now if the stronger opponent learned that skill, then the stronger opponent may have the advantage.

If the Gracies wanted to keep on winning, then they should have kept their art secret and not teach anybody.

I agree with the elements on your list as they're all important. And they're really hard to determine the exact proportions. In other words you work on developing all aspects of yourself to be the best you can.

Now with that said I believe that intelligence is the most important aspect. With it you avoid unnecessary fights, you train smart and you get in the persons head to make things easier for yourself.

Size is in my opinion is the item on your list that you have the least control. Genetics determine how tall you are, how your bodies responds to training etc. So all you can do here is eat well, train hard, and develop strength and muscles within the limits of your genetics.

Cardio IMHO is in the middle. It's important to have, but unless you're fighting professionally most "fights" don't last long and that's where intelligence, skill and technique come into play. Use them, end things and you won't have to worry about the cardio.

All those things are important is what I have found although I might disagree with the hierarchy or rating a little especially if we are talking self-defense and street situations. However for structured, organized fighting where you have a next round and are pitted against a similarly skilled opponent and you also have rules and a referee. Most street situations last less than a minute, thirty seconds really if you do some reading about such things. Then experience and skill along with speed of action and the strength of your execution become more critical I think over things like size and cardio.

I have said before in this forum that in street situations it often comes down to who can do the most damage to their adversary the quickest or gain and establish control over their adversary first because there is no rest period or subsequent rounds along with no rules or referee.

Firstly, I'd go with Mental Fortitude as well, A fighter has to be able to push himself to move forward even if they are feeling pain or uncomfortable, and not succumb to it. Secondly, I'd go with technique, means you have more training. Thirdly, I'd go with Fitness level instead of calling it cardio, because it's a little more

broad of a term. All the other attributes I'd say are just icing on the cake.

1,2 and 7 in my opinion.

1,2,&5 seem most important to me.

Here is my list From most important to least

1-technique ( skill ). Seems to be the most important. A learned fighter is one with good technique. The more you practice the better the technique.

2-- intelligence- being a smart fighter is often more important than sheer physical superiority.

3-strength- contrary to belief strength matters a lot. Being strong helps, especially in wrestling. For example I can beat a 10 year old wrestler with superior techniques over mine by my sheer strength over his.

4- cardio- if you get tired fast you lose strength. Stamina matters.

5-- speed- speed kills. A flurry of punches before opponent can properly counter is important.

- 6- Size ( weight)- why do you think weight classes exist? Weight matters to an extent.

7--mental fortitude- if you can get into your opponents head half of the battle is won. Also if you have the mentality that you won't give up that counts for something.
