> Attitude of a martial artist?

Attitude of a martial artist?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
The attitude of a martial artist is to be earnest in your pursuit of knowledge and hold yourself to a higher moral standard of conduct. Otherwise, you are no different than a thug learning how to be a better thug. As someone who is or will be in possession of the power to inflict pain, injury, possibly even death, it is your responsibility to also learn when and to what degree you should apply your knowledge.

In ancient China and Japan, martial knowledge was only taught to those that have shown that they have the ethics to use what they were taught for good. While the definition of what constituted "good" may differ from our modern view, what is central is that the person must have a moral compass.

It is unfortunate that many martial art schools today only pays lip service or bother at all with martial ethics because it can only bring about a repeat of what had happen in ancient China when martial art schools were closed because their students behaved disreputably. Even the famed Shaolin Temple in it's early years was shutdown for a period of time by Imperial decree because many of the monks were committing violence and behaving like thugs and the temple was only allowed to reopen after they instituted the teaching of wude (martial ethics).

If you care about your art, you will conduct yourself in such a way that it will not bring disrepute on your school and yourself.

Honestly learning a martial art does not make you any better than someone else. Your moral compass should be guided by your upbringing and the older you get it will be influence by your own choices. What martial arts does do is gives you a small portion of what life is like through other peoples eyes, much like a teacher would or a policeman because you deal so much with other people and protection.

This does not make you a better person, that is up to where your moral compass is directed, this means you can still find a person who is a martial artist who is still a criminal, drunk, cheater etc. Martial arts does not make you a good person. Only you can do that, Martial arts just gives you another perspective to see the world.

For what reason? I don't particularly like this idea that people have. That martial artist should somehow be a guide for moral correctness. Why do you think that you going to learn karate a few times/week makes you better or worse than someone who doesn't?

You're still the same person. Your life hasn't changed at all. Just as someone goes to gym or plays basketball a few times/week you do karate. That is the only difference. You and some other guy picked two different sports. That's it.

You don't have to behave any differently as a martial artist. Just be a good human being. Having a hobby that involves hitting people shouldn't affect that.

Just act like you normally would, just keep in mind to not 'follow the hollywood movies' (as in talk all stereotypical and spiritual). Though of course you might want to do some meditation. One main thing though, don't hurt anyone without reason (and a real reason), everyone should keep that in mind (martial artist or not) but you should show an example.

Your attitude should be to train hard, be a good example to others and treat others the way you would want to be treated. You should be in control of yourself because if you can not control yourself you will never be able to 'control' (as in leadership) others. I think being a martial artist does come with more responsibility than the average person.

Edit: I do believe that a martial artist should try to be better than others simply because you train awareness and control and therefore should be more aware of your own actions too so you can exercise control. Being aware of oneself is the first step before one can be aware of surroundings and be in charge. Isn't that what we train? Being better than others only becomes an issue when it goes to our heads and we think we are so good we have nothing left to learn.

Now that I have earned a yellow belt in karate,I keep.thinkin about what should be an attitude of a martial artist,should he behave differently,act,talk differently,stop going for cheap jokes with anyone?