> Are you tired of hearing about "MMA"?

Are you tired of hearing about "MMA"?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Considering that there is virtually no "art" in the disorganized thuggery and brawling displayed there in, accompanied by seemingly endless hype (just like pro wrestling), yes.

Seen better fights and much tougher fighters in bar and back alleys than have been seen in the UFC, et al.

No what I'm tired of is hearing from people who don't STUDY martial arts who think MMA is the only way to be able to fight.

It's on par with people thinking TKD and karate are the same.

I also get a bit frustrated when I hear that MMA doesn't have McDojos when I've seen a bunch of them pop up within 10 miles of where I live.

So MMA has it's place in martial arts. MMA has good and bad points, and like anything it has it's strengths and limitations.

MMA isn't for everyone, and MMA fighters aren't the be all/end all of marital arts. Just like someone from any other art isn'.

Finally I guess it annoys me most when someone uses the "gotta go to the ground" nonsense as justification for MMA being so great. Instead they don't realize that many other martial arts include groundwork, and/or encourage the study of not only ground techniques but also things from other arts.

So the reality is that MMA is just one of many ways of looking at martial arts. And when the MMA craze goes there will be a new one to replace it.

Yes, especially when MMA doesn't seem to much in the line with the honor or respect aspect part of martial arts. It's really got more in common with professional wrestling than what a dojo is supposed to be all about. Just look at these guys acting like cheap thugs at a weigh-in. They can call themselves fighters, but they shouldn't call themselves martial artists if they are not going to behave with dignity.

no I think it has its merits what I am tired is hearing how it is the "Best of all styles" by people who either don't train or have only trained at chains or train at "MMA" studios where one person teacher all arts and has never had a professional fight.

I'm tired of all the bandwagon fans that believe that before the UFC there was no MMA

Yes i'm tired of hearing about it.

MMA and BJJ are popular, and most sheep follow what the majority likes.

we do not hear a huge lot where i come from. its still not popular. but it has its place in the grand scheme. i think a name change would help though as its really a sport instead of an art.

yes im sick and tired

yes im sick and tired of hearing this misnomer

a better pseunodim is cage fighting or sport combat

this will be less confusing for the poster boys

please dana come to your senses and do this

for the benifit of all of humanity