> Are you a fighter or a lover?

Are you a fighter or a lover?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Lovers always end up having a fight sooner or later, that life :] I would say most people are both.

If you love to fight does that make you both a lover and a fighter?

I am definitely a fighter :) A fighter that knows how to love.

I'm a joker

...I'm a midnight toker. I get my lovin on the run...

I'm a lover most of the time.

But if I have to I will fight,however I never go out looking for trouble,I just seem to attract it...

Oh and when in training I'm all fighter but that goes with the martial arts I guess, it's not like I'm actually hurting anyone,it's fighting in a loving manner if you know what I mean.

I'm a pretty down to earth, happy, nice guy.

I'm a fighter second.

Both... tee hee