> Are there forms (like kata in Karate) in BJJ?

Are there forms (like kata in Karate) in BJJ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Are there forms in BJJ? Are there differences in the belts from dojo to dojo? Please elaborate.

No bjj doesn't have forms which is one of the best things I could say abt bjj...bjj does have lots and lots of problems but if u find yourself on ur back and wanna put ur opponent in a kimura, guillitine choke, gogoplata or what not bjj is the place to be and nowhere else so spend that money and learn as many no-gi chokes and arm work as u can!

There are no solo, pre-set patterns that contain the syllabus for the system.

There are solo movement drills that are done for warm-ups. I think comparing them to kata is a bit of a stretch.

As for belt rankings, most of them are pretty consistent throughout: white, blue, purple, brown, black. Some schools have a green belt between white and blue, though as I understand it, this is more common in Brazil, and pretty rare overall.

Not if you are actually learning anything useful. If you are learning BJJ and shown katas.... Run! Stop payment on your check you are being robbed!

Kata is NOT shadow boxing, shadow boxing is useful. Kata is a money making scheme (currently) sucking money out of unsuspecting people trusting the thief telling them it is important, has hidden applications and special moves only that guy can teach. It's all for lazy "instructors" playing the monkey see monkey do game and not teaching self defense because that would require more effort and the easy money is in fake stories about kata.

Yes there is, they have several forms for each rank call ejerciciios en solo

For the people that don't take bjj and claim there isn't any here is one I the many forms you will be learning


OH look more bjj kata or what is more well know as ejerciciios en solo




They even use two man kata just like karate



Wow KW you have no understanding of kata do you, they are the same thing as shadow boxing. You shouldn't answer question you have no understanding of. Perhaps if you actually read some of the answers on kata you would know they are the same as shadow boxing and solo drills. Or perhaps you should learn how to read first.

Even the Rick Gracie Stated that kata and solo drills were the same. What A fool you are kw.


I never blocked you kw. You are lying, Just like you always Lie. You just have major Butt hurt from being proven wrong. Don't sit down to fast,

Besides if I did block you, it would be useless since you have 20 more accounts to reply to me, just like you do with everyone else. when they block you.

Or are you claiming I blocked you because you can't answer the question I posted. LMAO What a loser you are.

There are not. BJJ doesn't feel the need to train with such useless traditional apparatuses. We train through sparring and aliveness (with a resisting opponent) instead. That's how everyone should train.

EDIT: Carlos seems to think solo drills are kata's. Is Shadow boxing also a kata haha? You're really going to trust information from that guy? Lol

EDIT: He also believe's kata = drill, and that kata's sole purpose is to fight imaginary opponents. This guy has no understanding of martial arts. Even the traditionalists here would call this guy a moron. I'm actually interested to see what they say.

EDIT: And he blocked me. Guess Carlos doesn't like it when you disagree with him.

No,at least not in the ritualized forms you see in a lot of TMA.

They are caller rotations. And if you tell the nasty way I choose no homosexual or hetero sexual relations.

Are there forms in BJJ? Are there differences in the belts from dojo to dojo? Please elaborate.