> Are martial arts DVDs worth it?

Are martial arts DVDs worth it?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
They are cheap enough that I think they are well worth the money usually.(But then again I have been lucky and always gotten pretty good dvds) Mainly you want to be training from a school and use the dvd as a supplement to get more details or see another take on a same technique.

You won't really get nearly as much out of it without a school, but for how much you pay. I think it's still worth it.

"Worth" what? I know they've served as study guides for me, but then I'm able to work the techniques with training partners outside of formal classes. Then again, I've got years of experience in different martial arts, as do my training partners, who are able to give me feedback. I also suspect my particular learning style works very well will visual formats. I wouldn't generally recommend them for raw beginners, or people who can't practice very often with skilled folks. They can be used as a supplement, though. After all, your teacher can only devote a limited amount of time to technique work in class, and even then, nobody can keep everything in their heads.

You mean ones to teach you martial arts? Well they'll never be as good as an actual instructor, but they are fairly good for their cost and can be excellent to work alongside actual training.

If you mean fictional DVDs like the "Karate Kid", well they can be very entertaining but most of the "martial arts" in them are just movie-fu nonsense.

Only to supplement what your instructor teaches you.

No, waste of money.


