> Apocalyptic survival strategies?

Apocalyptic survival strategies?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
This is the martial arts section:) Ask in the gaming or something like that section, they may have an answer for all fantasies:)

There is an old saying.....What can we do with out barbarians.? Create some fictional as it seems:)

What type of apocalyptic situation? And this has NOTHING to do with martial arts.

You cannot defend against anything you know nothing about. So any ideas provided by anyone is highly generalized ideas for mid term survival in general crisis scenarios.

First of all don't go to the supermarket. Go to camping stores. After 30 minutes of the first news broadcast of the apocalypse, supermarkets are clean as a washed dinner plate. Camping stores provide processed food that lasts for a long time as well as taking general outdoor equipments. Water is something that's quite hard to carry a lot. You use about 2 L of water a day. Notice how much petrol you're gonna need to drag all the water to last you so long.

Plus grabbing gun store may not be too ideal at the time. Some law enforcements will likely to be employed or if not law enforcements, there will be violent people with weapons, who will confuse you for threats or other misunderstandings if you just crash into a store and arm yourself.

What type of problem are you talking about exactly? If Yellowstone Park causes a mass extinction event, which is already overdue, 87,000 peoples dies in the initial blast. Most people won't survive in the long term despite stored food due to toxic gases on the surface and volcanic ash in the sky for an indefinite time, possible more than lifetime. How are you gonna survive then?

This has nothing to do with martial arts.

Okay I’ll bite, but only lightly.

In a crazy chance of zombieness, you’ll want food. Supermarkets have them, go there.

“But other people will be there.” Great! Gather people, fortify position, send out scout missions for more stuff, create guard duties, and work together.

“What about weapons?” You should have bought those ahead of time.(like now) Why are you waiting for the worst time possible to arm yourself, when you can do so now?

“Why not buy food in advance too?” You can, if you have a fortifiable position(like those nuclear bunker things). The difference between food and weapon is that a weapon is much more portable than a year or more worth of food.

But I'm not very into the bunker plan because there is no mobility. If your area somehow became zombie central then you are just stuck with that. In supermarket if things gets intense then you can move out to a different place with other people and fortify that new position. Also if you are in a bunker then you won’t have much people to help you with whatever projects you’ll have to take care of to better defend your position.

The only thing I don't like about those type of movies is that they assume that people have no survival skills or sense of self-preservation whatsover. I'm not talking about hand-to-hand or survivalist stuff, I'm talking about a gut level instinct to preserve their own life. And, there also is no military to speak of in those type of movies, no air force or anything. Poof, boom, everyone's a zombie. And, we have absolutely no scientists who can ever come up with a vaccine or cure. Ever.

Honestly, in this day and age, I don't think the zombies would stand much of a chance. I think that as soon as a few people got bitten, the cops would gun down the zombies, the drug dealers would gun down the zombies, the military would gun down the zombies, gun owners would gun down the zombies, and other people would slaughter them with knives, baseball bats, or might even run them over with their cars. I would not put it past the powers that be to use nukes if there really was a zombie outbreak. I also suspect people would throw gasoline on zombies and light them on fire. If anything, you'd probably have some Save The Zombies group laying down in front of the tanks because the zombies would be an endangered species within a matter of weeks. Or hours. Zombie rights activitists!

There is a reason why homo sapiens are the dominant species. It is not just because of God's edict to be fruitful and multiply. There are quite a few people who are vicious and love war. They'd just take those homicidal urges out on the zombies.

I think this is kind of a fun question, even though it has nothing to do with martial arts. Martial arts will be less then useless against zombies. Since they feel no pain.

The first thing I would do is stock up on water. Fill a bathtub with water or something similar. It won't be long before the water stops working. Then comes the hard part. You need equipment, medicine, food, weapons and so on. But you can only carry so much. With any pack you are limited to about 15-20 kg at most.

I would avoid cities, shelters, suburbs and so on. You might need to risk going to a suburb for supply for nothing more than that. What I would do is take myself to a remote location. Hills/mountains, lakes, near rivers, somewhere I can fish and hunt. But it still needs to be close enough to get supply and stuff like that. There is no right or wrong. There are so many unknowns that it's impossible to give a good answer. Only general answers.

Before an apocalyptic scenario even happens, one should have already stocked up with food and water, guns and ammo, fishing and trapping supplies, a book on wilderness foods found in nature, eating and sheltering equipment, a compass and navigational topographic maps which would show you the nearest natural water supplies, logging roads, caves, cliffs, and what not in the areas surrounding your locale. You would want to leave any and all cities and large towns behind. You should look up survival and preparedness blogs, and learn all you can NOW, about how to survive in the wild, and practice, practice, practice.

Another thing one should also have set up, is three areas to bug out to, and perhaps have some supplies buried at each site. You would want solar and hand crank type flashlights that had L.E.D.'s because you would not want to waste weight and space traveling with a large load of batteries. You would want various ways to start fires (Swedish Fire-steels, Blast-Matches, Magnesium and flint bars) something that can work in wet climates, various means to purify water sources (LifeStraws, Katadyne Water purification systems, etc...), a very well stocked First Aid kit, a good name brand- fixed blade hunting knife, 200-300' of Paracord 550 which you can make all kinds of things out of, including trip wires (want a zombie alarm, take a bell to tie to the trip-wire). For zombies, another great addition to your survival pack would be screw in tree steps, since zombies can't climb. These would allow you to get up into the trees at night, for an UN-restful night of sleep.

Grab what you can carry and get the heck out of Dodge as fast as you can, and get to the wilderness, as you will have much more natural resources to gather at your fingertips, and many more places to hide. If you have more stuff than you can carry, create a gear carrying cart of some sort like a Travois, or a wheelbarrow, or a baby stroller, or a sled and tie gear bags to that.

What not to do...Do not have any supplies already handy, with no plan of action, and instead just head to the supermarket to become some zombie's dinner. End of problem.

Not real sure what this has to do with martial arts but ....

If you start preparing when you need it already you have missed the boat. Prepare beforehand. You will need water, food, shelter, in that order. IF you take a weapon make sure you practice target shooting. More than likely you will use it to hunt small game so you can eat. Learn to prepare small game and fish. Learn to build a fire without matches. Learn which plants are edible. Make a bug out kit that contains water and food for 48 hours and things to build yourself a shelter. Then take it out in the wilderness for a trial run and see if you can make it for a week or so without any help or going to a store. Above all quit smoking that stuff that's giving you the zombie nightmares. Evacuations are real and a lot of people are not prepared when disaster strikes.

yes other scenarios are

comet hit reverting us back to the stone age (comet nibiru_

emp with same effect

nuclear holocost or small dirty bomb

finicial crisis a la 1929 or worse hyper inflation


u will need a good radio , flashlight ,weapon of your choice

water from water tank if u have one ,

with water purifier tablets ,non perishable food , honey ,canned goods

remember katrina and watch the trigger effect

They still practice martial art in zombie movies do they.

you can start by not believing in bs movies and that the dead will comeback to life just to eat your brains. you obviously dont have much if you think that can happen

In an apocalyptic situation (in this case zombies just for example) what would be a good survival plan,what some good survival strategies?

Everyone thinks you should go to the supermarket to get supplies which isn't logical because everyone is going to think that so if everything hasn't already been taken then you will have to compete will everyone else to get them.So instead of a supermarket or shopping mall what is a better idea?

Every one says to go to somewhere to get weapons like a gun store,which makes sense you do need weapons to protect yourself and your loved ones but if you go to a gun store it doesn't seem safe if the gun store owner isn't there defending his shop shooting everybody up then again you will have to deal with everyone else going there so there will be lots of competition(competition who may even shoot you for the weapons).What is a better way to gain weapons in an apocalyptic situation like zombies.

Where would be a good place to go in a zombie apocalypse? staying close to the city doesn't seem to be a good idea as the higher population means you will be exposed to more zombies and more people trying to take your supplies or take over your base.Where and what type of base would be best to have as a safe house to bunker down in and use for survival?