> Any thoughts on Sifu Freddie Lee?

Any thoughts on Sifu Freddie Lee?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I just watch several you tube videos. This guy needs anger management. Counseling would be an order. He is entertaining. I never laughed so hard in a long while.

I've stopped watching his videos after the first or second one. He's hateful, homophobic, ignorant, and only wants attention. He's disrespectful of things he doesn't know anything about. If it weren't for Youtube, he'd just be some asshole practicing his mediocre knowledge of martial arts in his basement with his friends, with his insecurity-fueled rants being contained to only those in his immediate circle.

Wushu in the Olympics? Jet Li won like 5 Olympic medals in Wushu? Sure he did! If you made a video you should at least check your facts. I am 2 minutes into this video and see no need to waste any more time. If you can't get your facts straight then there is nothing that makes me think you got the rest straight.

Overall, I like what he's doing. He's got some good points and some bad points.

1) I understand his basic anti-MMA stance. However, whether we like it or not, MMA fighters agree to be there, they are not children and are supposed to be of sound legal mind. The only problem I have is with the ground and pound technique. I feel that is ONLY for real fighting, that is the only time I have ever used it, and ironically, the earliest reference I have for it is from a TAEKWONDO manual. I even started a petition to stop the ground and pound. Judo already had good ground fighting rules you can use, why not just use those? I wonder how many people know that MMA fights have been around for decades, they just used to be illegal. Remember those illegal underground fights that people though were urban legend? They weren't. I got approached way back in the day (I'm talking back in the 80's) to be in one, a literal "Hey kid, you want some money" approach right out of a B movie. I politely said no, but the tone of my delivery was more like HELL NO!

2) He really should expect that when he is hard on others, they will be hard on him in return. Everybody has not reached the point of spiritual maturity where regardless of what mud is thrown, we do not throw the mud back. We are not all Jesus, and most of us are not going to get to that level. And sometimes, you may need to throw the mud back if throwing it back can help someone reach a new level of understanding.

3) Really, whether he likes it or not, I think what he's doing as far as his art should be called Freddie's Modern Wing Chun. His wooden dummy work is very good. Bruce Lee, who he says he follows, really just personalized Wing Chun anyway in his personal expression. He had Wing Chun and borrowed from other arts as he saw fit, but in the end, it's still Wing Chun, it's just Jun Fan's Wing Chun.

4) This whole push to be "modern", and its not just him who does that, is really quite old. People have been mixing martial arts together for ever. Even what I do, blending Taekwondo and Judo and Boxing, with dabs of whatever else I have been exposed to, is not a new or even original idea. Many "traditionalists" I have met who are instructors, did pretty much the same thing. Yudo is Korean Judo. Really, the attack on "traditional" martial arts is fueled by racism (I said racism, not a particular race, racism is a mentality, not a group of people). Those of us who grow up in the Western hemisphere think that Eastern things are alien, or not as good. Sadly, some people from the East think the same thing. I also think that it comes from the innate human desire for the child to prove to itself that it is stronger than the parent. Think about the allegory from Greek mythology (there I go being Western minded so even I am guilty of it) were The Gods overthrow The Titans. "Modern" martial artists are the "gods", "traditional" martial artists are the "titans". The gods wanted to kill their Titan parents. Reference this Yahoo answer: https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index...

If you have ever had children, you will know that they desire to rebel against you in order to establish their own sense of self. I think that drive gets projected into martial arts circles and is manifested as Modern martial arts and/or MMA, and/or "reality" people, against the Traditionalists.

The thing is though, the Traditionalists actually know what they are talking about. They know the value of what they teach. The more I teach, the more I see the value in the traditional, even though I am open to suggestions from the modern. Besides, the best martial artists have always stayed true to their roots while exploring others trees, but without feeling the need to burn down another person's forests with their words.

And after saying all of that, let's not be phony with ourselves. If Freddy Lee were 100% positive with his words, nobody would watch his channel. ESPECIALLY not anybody young. You'd think he was boring.

I have watched some of his videos... I put a grain of salt on what he and others say on youtube... inless you live it and see it your self .. its just opinions and every one has their own..

He is a joke, i refuse to watch his videos.... He is like an a.ss .... words escape his hole like a fart in the wind but you know it is derived from pure sh.it.

If is it manger or manager he might now know you watch him but why .

never heard of him and i dont care enough to google him

I just watch several you tube videos. This guy needs anger management. Counseling would be an order. He is entertaining. I never laughed so hard in a long while.