> Any good moves or tricks to win a chickfight?

Any good moves or tricks to win a chickfight?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Jonathan Casey aka Elgor John will get beat to a pulp by cris cyborg.

There is usually hair grabbing in a "chick fight". Perhaps you can wear a swim cap to the fight?

Seriously, it will probably just be flailing arms, hair pulling, someone falling down, more flailing, and then someone breaking up the fight after someone gets in a decent shot or two. If you really want to practice ahead of time, have your boyfriend hold your hair and figure out what you'll do when that happens to you.

If your boyfriend were worth fighting over, however, he would prevent the fight by dealing with the matter himself and not put you in this situation.

keep in mind that fights don't end/solve everything. this is real life, not a movie.

even if you beat her mercilessly, she'll be more angry at you/your boyfriend and probably harass you guys more than before. chances are that by doing this you're just escalating the problem.

so.. honestly, i'd say to not fight and think of some other, more effective way to get back at her.

but if you do have to fight then bring a weapon or something. I've never seen girls fight fair, it's basically a mess of hair pulling and flailing arms.

The majority of female-female street fights involve hair pulling.

In order to defend against your hair being pulled, you should grab on to your opponent's pulling hand and squeeze. You then pull their hand towards you and clamp their hand against your head so they can't pull. If they continue to try to pull or begin to out-muscle you, you should turn in the opposite direction to their step and this will throw them sideways, or alternatively lean forwards and move back; forcing them to the floor. This is a non-lethal technique which can cause a lot of pain to the aggressor's hand and at worst break their hand, although this is unlikely. Keep in mind that in a petty school fight, you do not want to harm the other person too much; only prevent them from harming you.

Actually that is great advise from Byron, I have spent a lot of time training how to defend myself when people have hold of my hair. You can know every fighting style on the planet but if you are not prepared for something like someone grabbing your hair then they will be totally useless to you.

Often when girls fight, hair pulling seems to be the norm because lets face it, its a great form of control because most people dont know how to get out of it. Plus the principle rule of a fight is that if you control your opponent head then you are in control of the fight.

I used to know a guy who did karate and he said that chick fighting was a joke. If I were you I would take her to the ground and beat her to a pulp. You should put her in an arm lock or choke hold if you get the chance. Don't fight like a sissy, don't tap like a *****.


ok so me and my boyfriend have been dating for almost 2 months. One of his exes keeps tryin to get back at him. Ive been to the principle with him twice because now she is harassing him....its gotten to where we are about to fight... Ive never been in a fight before..what do i do and DONT TELL ME NOT TO FIGHT! ill just do it anyways...so any good ideas or tricks to win???