> Any exercises to increase punching and kicking speed and power?

Any exercises to increase punching and kicking speed and power?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Something challenging.

Thanks in advance :)

I suggest you look at plyometrics type workouts and routines which are excellent for building your speed and power without adding bulk and size to your frame. I have attached a web site to help get you started with this. You should see some results in as little as 3-4 weeks in the speed and power with which you can throw punches and kicks. Enjoy.


Speed=power so you might want to concentrate on speed for a while. Timing drills like off beat punching sets (1/2/3) then (12/3) etc. increase speed and timing awareness. Varied punching combos keep your body and arms moving helping with coordination which also increases speed. You can also increase the number of punches you can throw in a set amount of time without sacrificing technique. The best way to get good at kicking is to do a large amount of stretching and of course kick. Punching or kicking a heavy bag to get a feel for impact is good too but that alone won't increase your speed or power. Anyone who thinks striking a bag alone will increase skill is mistaken. If you can't control your core or be aware of your techniques then minor circles are a unnecessary time robbing motion. You can catch the "rebound" from strikes with proper timing which will add power/speed without muscular inhibition but this skill is way too much to explain here. Explosive drills like bounding, jumping squats, push ups with a hand clap between each etc. help too. Avoid weight training without a focus on explosiveness.


If you work a heavy bag or Thai bag. You don't want it to swing or move a lot. It should look like it's having a seizure when you hit.

A lot of people learn to push through which makes the bag swing and takes more time for you to recover. If you learn to snap properly you leave the power in the bag and recover faster. At first you will loose maybe 50% power trying to get it right but after you practice your power will go back up and you will not only leave your power in your opponents but recover strikes faster.

Also try to make small tiny circles with your strikes. So a punch for example will go out and with a tiny circle come back. Instead of you yanking it back and having to use muscle which not only reduces power of your strikes but takes longer.

Something challenging.

Thanks in advance :)