> Any Adult Over 20 years old?

Any Adult Over 20 years old?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I think you need to remember that nobody does something they haven't yet been taught, or rather, do it well. So I wouldn't worry about embarrassing myself...you're there to learn, and the rest em have been in your position at one point or another.

You're always gonna have a group of elitists who forgot what they were before they made it to where they're at, but that's the case with anything, no?

First of all if you will be concerned all your life with what others may think you will never do anything great. You got to learn to think outside of the box and ignore others. We will all embarrass ourselves some time or another. It's part of life and life does go on after embarrassment. Does getting raped beat what other may think of you taking martial arts?

I was older than you and I started when my 4 kids started. People gave me a real hard time for doing martial arts. Over 20 years later, I have competed and done very well and traveled all over the US and China for training and competition. Noone is laughing now or saying anything now but they do wish they could have accomplished half of what I have done. It's all what you make of it and which opportunities you decide to take. The more opportunities you take the more opportunities will present themselves to you. This is true not just for martial arts but also if you choose a career.

Don't worry about being in shape. I had 6 kids which does a number on you but I have to say martial arts whipped me back into shape in a few months.

Of course it's not to late. In fact 21 is a great time to start where you are more mature and open minded to the true aspect of martial arts. And bc of your age your master should immediately get you down to business and train you like an adult so you can learn more.

As for embarrassing yourself? Don't worry about such things. When you start out you will not know much, but all martial artists have been there at one point. Just leave your ego at the door, keep a humble heart, and a desire to learn, perfect, and apply, and you will go far.

Fearing embarrassment and holding yourself back because of such reasons is something training will help you conquer. Nobody will judge you because they all been there. You don’t judge a baby for falling when trying to walk, and it’s the same with starting martial arts.

Also you don’t have to be athletic to start. Just focus on getting through the classes and learning as much as you can.

And don’t compare yourself to others. Instead learn to become the best version of you. Because if you had to defend yourself being ‘the best that you can be’ is the best option that you have. ‘I should have trained, but I didn’t think I would do well’ option might be the worst option.

Of course you can, People learn martial arts at all stages of life and all sizes and fitness levels. Honestly you will get fitter during your time training. Its great that you are making the decision to learn an art. It will change your life if you stick with it.

If you are after a quick fire solution to help you learn to defend yourself then i suggest a self defense course, but if you are after the real commitment to building skills then i suggest the martial arts option.

You will hear every man and their dog trying to convince you that their style is better or superior but honestly that is just rubbish. All the arts do is give you the tools for growth, maturity and skills to handle situations that may arise. How you train and how you utilize these tools is totally dependent on you and your commitment.

Go and look for creditable instructors in your area and ask as many questions about the style and their training and the instructors credentials and then perhaps take a class and decide which one you feel more comfortable with before making your decision.

Don't worry you have nothing to fear or be embarrassed about. Ask the instructors as many questions as you like, they will give you a sense of who they are when they discuss the answers with you. no question is stupid.

Yes! Most certainly! you can do what ever you want at what ever age! Everyone was bad at the sport they play at some point! There is bound to be adult beginners classes for martial arts somewhere so everyone will be in the same boat :) doing martial arts will keep you fit too!

Go for what's fun that usually what will serve the best for all situations. Some people find being able to learn self defense and have a lot of power fun orthers like to participate in a martial sport like judo,boxing ,tkd some karate,kung fu,just straight kickboxing in all its forms,bjj,any wrestling and whatever else is a sport or just a fun art that you can think of. You can pick mix and choose until you find something/s you like. Your never to old I have 70 years old judo coaches who still do full contact sparring. I have 40 year old friends I've got into boxing and bjj age is no factor you yourself and what yiu think you'll like is what matters. Even if your 80 and never trained but are of ok health you could do to chi or no contact tkd I've herd of people doing it. I'm only 19 but ill still give you this answer. Most will just be advertising.

It's too late for you if you think it's too late.

If you think it's the time then it is.

I started Uechi Ryu well past 21 and earned my black belt and continue to train.

I know people who were older than me when they started and have gone on to earn high ranks.

So when you're ready and willing to put in the effort it's the right time. If not, any excuse will be a good excuse not to try it, not to train, etc.

Do some BJJ or carry a bike chain for whipping people that threaten you.

learn martial arts, you will be fine.

Hello all, I'm a 21 year old college student. I am beginning to think that learning martial arts is very crucial for me because I literally cannot protect myself....but is it too late for me to learn? I am not an athlete neither am I active....basically I am not fat but I am definitely out of shape. Can I learn martial arts or will it be too difficult? I don't want to embarrass myself in front of a bunch of people. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

You can, don't care what pple think