> Another embarrassing moment in the world of Taekwondo. Thoughts?

Another embarrassing moment in the world of Taekwondo. Thoughts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

I don't see this as an embarrassment on TKD. Unfortunately this is bad for all martial artist. The general public will see this as martial arts. They often group us all together in spite of the art or different instructors.

I believe the parents are proud of their son's accomplishment. They are unaware that the child doesn't deserve that rank. You can see that that child doesn't even have the fine motor skills to do many of the techniques. Alex should still be a white belt. You can make and argument for giving him his 1st promotion. But nothing higher.


Shienaran I hadn't seen on here in a while. Good to see you. I agree that that child looked better in both videos than the one in the original question. I also agree the problem lies with the instructor issuing the rank to a student.

As far as Cecil comments. That is not the standard for our dojo. But even using that standard the child would not deserve the rank. I didn't not see the techniques being applied with extended force or proper application. Additionally concerning the application of techniques not only should this be shown in kata, but with a live partner. Since in or style of karate Matsubayashi Shorin Ryu the say this is an adult rank. The youngest it can be awarded is 16. That 16 year old would have to be able to use the techniques against adults. If that can be done the person can't be award the rank. Age is also a requirement according to the Honbu. Another requirement is bunkai for various kata. At black belt you must know more than just a the basic bunkai for kata. You have to know someadvanced bunkai for the same kata.

This is one of the major faults with TKD. There has become so much focus on belts and prizes. Getting a new belt or winning a tournament means everything for these practitioners. The problem is that it doesn't mean anything in the real world. These schools are of so low quality and they only care about money. They massage the students ego with these belts and prizes.

I'm not the right person to comment on this. I'm not a TKD practitioner. I just wonder why it's blatantly obvious to everyone that what they train is $hit except for the people actually training it?

I've seen better. Here's a video of a 5 yr old girl performing a Shotokan kata.

As a Tang Soo Do/Tae Kwon Do student, I do not agree with this at all, and sadly John is right in some aspects where alot of TKD puts so much focus on belts and prizes. Truly it's sad.

Bc it wasn't in English I couldn't understand a word, but I hope to God that he is wearing a "junior black belt", which even then I have mixed feelings about. It took me 9 yrs to achieve my first Dan.

And jwbulldogs is right. Though the parents are proud of their son, they are unaware of what martial arts are all about. He should be a much lower rank. Green at the highest, but still perhaps a yellow?

IDK, I was not impressed, and I do not agree with it.

Let's blame the instructor. It doesn't matter if it's TKD kid with a black belt that young, or a kid in Karate. But as I have learned, he's just a kid and he was doing what was told. Let that kid be because he doesn't know any better. If it was an adult, then THAT would be an embarrassment.

THis is embarrassing to that school, or maybe to the association to which it belongs. TKD has split into various groups, each teaching a unique version and usually allowing individual schools to set their own criteria for student advancements. This allows individual schools to basically sell belts, to anyone willing to pay the price. Be aware that this is not a universal circumstance. It took me 18 years to get to Third Dan in an independent, ITF style school.

The kid has spunk, he just needs a better teacher; perhaps one that knows what he's doing.

It's sad, really. Most kids his age refuse to be that attentive. He's actually a little impressive since you don't see much of that in this day and age. If he had a better teacher, then perhaps then his posture, technique, stance and even presence would be far more solid.

I'm not saying I would award a black belt this young. BUT----he does meet the standard of black belt according to this list of criteria I've seen floating around on Yahoo:


Yudansha Dan Grading System

Shodan 初段:しょだん

1st Degree- In this level necessitates a further development of abilities. All basic movements and techniques, can be applied with extended force and proper application in basic combination.

For all of you who holler that a black belt is "just the beginning", and that no shodan should be expected to teach because no shodan anywhere knows more than just the basics, well, this kid looks like he has a good grasp of the basics.

So maybe we need to rethink what a shodan should be? Or maybe my standard for shodan is like yours for 4th degree?

i think you need to find videos in english,

and also my dog needs a promotion, he is only 22 degree, this hardly seem fair for the most legal animal in the world

This is not exactly surprising news...
