> Am I too skinny for mma training?

Am I too skinny for mma training?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
I haven't done MMA myself but I have done allot of Judo in centres that offer all these martial arts. As you probably know most martial art's like kickboxing have weight categories so if you join a big club then you should be matched with a similar opponent. Also with martial arts like MMA skill always over rules size!

No but tiger minchen techniques are not know to the regular person show go out there and show them your chest muscles.

Your heart is the biggest muscle in your body

So I am a huge martial arts fan and have done quiet a bit in taekwondo and kickboxing. However over the last three years I have been busy with my studies and put a halt to any sort of training (not exactly as fit I used to be). Now I want to start it up again and have really found an interest in mma. So I found a gym that offers thai boxing, bjj , boxing , mma. So I'm just curious as to whether I'm going to be at an disadvantage if I go with mma because I'm not exactly the biggest of guys and I should just go with thai boxing instead. I'm 5'8 and 133Ibs.