> Am I too old to start martial art?

Am I too old to start martial art?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 

Your humble opinion is wrong. There are people who started training in their 20s and managed to become champions. And you do realize he is trolling, right?

Yep you're way too old.

I started in my 30s and get something out of my training every day. But don't listen to me, as I clearly know nothing. And what I've done is all in my mind.

If you were younger one thing you could do is sit in a quite room. Focus on your Chi and learn your art without even doing anything more. But that's way too advanced for someone of your age. Plus since you didn't learn how to use your Chi earlier you'll never get the ability.

So how about getting away from the computer, go out and get some exercise. Find a martial arts class and just have some fun. You may find you'll learn something and in time even mature some.

I don't think martial arts is what you think it means....

No, you are not too old. And pugpaws2 is right. True martial arts should not be for children bc of the way they truly are. A martial art. I started when I was 5. True training started at like 15 or 16, that's when I noticed a drastic change in my masters training. I thought I died and went to hell or something. He became crazy and his teaching methods were intense.

But there was a reason. A reason for the constant cardio training, endless repetition, body conditioning, etc. I hated it. "I'm just a girl", I would complain. His answer "an enemy won't care if your a girl or the queen of England. Your enemy will hurt you". Something like that. Bc martial arts are not for children. And like pugpaws2 said, I am still learning and will continue to learn for the rest of my life.

You seem to have a very false idea on martial arts. That will get you nowhere. And it's nice to have people like pugpaws around to keep the true spirit of martial arts alive. Stick around and try learning something.

I started my martial arts training (not sports) at 10 and that was considered a late start.

In my humble opinion 15 is the latest of the early ages to begin martial arts training to realistically get anything out of it.

We are men of action.

Trolling does not become your character.

I suggest you try Tome Village in Okinawa for your authentic training. Tell them that Miyagi sent you.

No you're not too old. Age is just a freaking number.

go to planet namek and look for frieza

I'm 14, so am I too old to start martial art? I heard that you have to start as soon as you come out of the birth canal and learn kata and break boards and eat Asian foods like rice, sushi, chop suey, and fortune cookies.

I want to know which martial art is best for me. I'm 5 feet 2 and half inch and weigh 130 and a quarter pound, but sometimes 131 and 3 quarters when I eat a pizza, big Mac, and a chocolate dinner mint (or two). I'm right handed, have brown hair, and there's a moon shape mole on my you know where, and I have a pet dog name Puffy, and I wear size 8 shoes and like Dragon Ball Z.

I have real passion for martial art, but I don't know anything about it and I don't want to go to a library like a dork or read about it on the Internet because it cuts into my time on playing games. I want you to tell me so I don't have to do anything right now because I'm saving myself for more important things.

I don't like punching, kicking, grappling, or sweating. I just want to use chi and my enemies energy against them and be one with the universe. So, tell me which style is best for me and don't tell me I have to look for the best teacher because teachers are lame and everyone knows it's the style that matters. And if it's something like Muay Thai, tell me where in Japan I can go to learn it and if they will let me take lesson if I clean the Dojo for them instead of paying them real money.

Please tell me and I will give you 10 FULL points for best answer.