> Am I ready for a MMA fight? Only 16 ?

Am I ready for a MMA fight? Only 16 ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
No...you have to let ppl beat the **** out of you and see how well you can handle a beating..or will you get knock out when they punch you

Obviously you are not ready for it or you would just go and compete instead of talking about it and worse ask total strangers who do not know you, can't even see what you are doing or if you are as good as you say you are. There are always three realities and they all vary. Your reality, the reality others see and then reality the way it really is. We only got your reality and that is not enough to pass judgement. If you were confident about your skill you would not have asked this question. You would know that you are ready and wouldn't need anybody's approval.

Every little idiot who has someone at their gym with tattoos and a punching bag says they have done mma, you ******* retards need to get over yourselves. Just becasue some idiot dances around with you and teaches you some chokes does not mean you have done mma. Go listen to your justin beiber album and use your tears as the lube you masturbate with you knuckle biting dipshit.

Let me re iterize it you might know the brown belt doesnt know but you should know karate.

Well, i'm 16, i'm in the weight of a middleweight, I've been training for about a year. In my gym I do really well, I'm the youngest and I think people at 23-30 and I beat them up, to be honest. I always catch their legs and slam then and then ground and Pound them, and I also have pretty good muay thai. u think I should try to get a fight ?