> Am I missing faith in my training?

Am I missing faith in my training?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Martial arts in general requires patience if you want to progress and become good at. Do not worry about this kick it will come of you pit the proper amount of time and practice in. In order to get height, focus on stretching.

If you are having trouble with the whole kick, work on it in steps. First start off with a standard spinning hook kick, once you feel comfortable about this then move on to the steps of the kick listen to your instructor about having concentration, these kicks require a lot of mechanics and have to be timed right. Also do not neglect the basics you have been taught.

George Dillman does have martial arts knowledge, but the no touch knockout is not real.

Also ignore those who put down Taekwondo, they use youtube to decide what is good and what is not

Well, you've stated that "sometimes" you don't do it well. The corollary is that sometimes you do. If you can already do it, if you HAVE done it, then any doubts you have are only sabotaging yourself.

Practice the move 20 times. How many times do you succeed? How many times do you have room for improvement? The next day, practice it 20 times again, and the next, and so on. The more you practice, the better you'll get. By having a set number to work with, you'll begin to see a change in the ratios of success to "need to work on it".

Honestly, that's the secret: practice. You'll know you can do it, because you HAVE done it.

I think Dillman has some interesting kata (form) applications that are worth investigating. I'm dubious about any claims of pressure points, and the "no touch" stuff is BS. I'm amazed he believes it, and that he's got others believing it. The only way you can knock someone out without touching them is by throwing something at their head.

Don't listen to people that tell you your not a martial artist. There are a lot of top level fighters that have a TKD base. Anthony Pettis would be one. It's not a complete art (no single art is) but if your good you'll come out with some great kicking techniques. Flashy kicks can work but you can't be a hack complaining about gymnastics you actually have to have the training to pull it off. Check you the video of flash in action.

You simply need more practice of the kick. After thousands of properly executed repetitions, you will have no more doubt as the muscle memory and confidence will be locked in. It is like giving a speech in public. If you give speeches often in the past, have great notes, have rehearsed what you are going to say, and are speaking about a topic with which you are very familiar, you are going to give a great speech and feel very confident.

As for Dillman, the guy knows martial arts but unfortunately went cuckoo with all of that chi nonsense that makes him laughable now. A further unfortunate part of that whole story is how he took Wally Jay and his son down that nutty rabbit hole with him.

You should never miss the faith of Tae Kwon Do Swoon it could be the begining to any other martial art like Okinawan or Kajukenbo Karate can be you next art.

see here's the problem: while most martial artists want to know how to more effectively defend themselves, TKD people just want to know how to look flashy. You're not a martial artist. You're a gymnist who plays dress up. And artd like TKD give similar arts like karate a bad wrap. In fact, TKD isn't an art anymore, it's an activity.

And that guy you're asking about is a phoney. You can't knock someone out with chi because it doesn't exist.

Iv'e been doing Taekwondo for about 3 years now. I just a few months ago began learning the 540 degree turning hook kick! Its difficult, but I would like to use it for demonstration for our school team.

So I have got the steps down, and have performed the kick, but still, sometimes during my attempts, the slightest doubt in my head that I wont execute the kick high enough, or well enough makes me fail. Ive been told advanced TKD moves and kicks require patience and full cooperation with mind and body. My instructor says that I must have faith every time that I attempt the kick!

I try to think I will do it properly and higher, but theres still a little voice that says, "You cant get your leg high enough." or

"You cant do this."

How can I get rid of this doubt? Ive tried meditation and concentration exercises, but I just can't.

Do you believe that If I relieve this doubt, I can perform the kick properly?

My TKD school is a World Taekwondo Federation School.

Also as a side question, have you heard of that Karate Master named

George Dillman?

What do you think of him?

I just watched a video of his "no touch knockout."