> Am I being arrogant // cocky ?

Am I being arrogant // cocky ?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
People wanna tell you that you cant do something, because deep down they cant do it! You have a dream? Go capture it, dont let anyone stop you.

I don't think you're arrogant or cocky.....that would actually be a compliment for you. Instead, you lack self-esteem, ie confidence. But one thing you're right about is that you ARE an attention attention seeker and this is what people with low self-esteem do. They seek attention. Did you get your share of attention from yahoo answers? lol

Trying to be the best is good but you have understand yourself and where you stand. We're suppose to make goals that's attainable. You wanting to be the topic of every conversation is impossible. Get real kiddo. Even Bruce Lee or or Michael Jordan aren't the topic of every conversation. Who the heck do you think you are?

I don't think you are cocky or arrogant but I do think there is a lot more going on in your life than what you wrote. Get counseling. You deserve to be happy with accomplishments even if you are not the best. I am sure this is not just limited to martial arts.

Maybe someday you'll get over your arrogant ways, when life beats you down enough times.

The help you need is from a professional doctor. Not trying to be nasty or sarcastic. But, from what you posted you are in for even more unhappiness if you don't get help from a professions that can help you find balance in your life.


alot of artist feel like you do

I think I have a big ego, and is very arrogant. I dont really know if its the right word, maybe attention-searching or cocky, I'm not sure..

But I have this feeling of I have to be the best in everything I do, if someone wins over me, specially in MMA, then I get ******* mad or depressed. I feel like there's no place for anybody else.. I'm feel like i'm the only person people should talk about in the gym. I get very easily jelly also.. I feel Deep inside that I HAVE to become the best fighter in the world, I feel like if i dont, i'll never get happy with myself.. Becoming the UFC Champion will be end of the tunnell, and if I never get there, I will never feel the light.. or be happy.

I know its a bad mentality, and ... How do I get out of this being arrogant-****, without giving up all dreams?