> About martial arts?

About martial arts?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
You should do the research yourself and see which one fits you best.

Bruce Lee invented Jeet Kune Do, and he did Wing Chun as well. These are others.

Price ranges? You live in Finland, so I have absolutely no idea. You have to go to google and look for the closest one near you and call/visit. They might even have a website as well.

Martial arts aren't something that'll instantly make you stronger or win. You have to become stronger yourself. Don't think that because someone gives you a black belt or something that you're invincible. It's not a video game with stats where you can just press attack and expect to win.

About what will be good in a street fight; It's not the martial art, it's about the martial artist, meaning you. You can practically use any martial art and be good or bad in street fights, because what matters is what YOU do. It's about experience, reflexes.

I personally would not recommend a 'martial art' where all you do is learn to compete if your goal is to know self-defense. Competing.. it's all about rules, fighting under restrictions, just fighting for fun or money or a prize. In real life, it's life or death and you need to do everything you can to stay alive. You don't need restrictions.

I'd also like to add to make sure you go to a good dojo/place to learn. Some places.. I'm not sure about Finland, but the US has a lot of places that are mainly there to suck up your money with 'fake' instructors. Teach you fancy useless stuff and charge you a lot. There's scams in every type of thing in life so just make sure you are aware of such things as well.

Muay thai and bjj are very good when paired together. Bjj would be good in a streetfight, particularly no gi classes. It's on the ground and that's where most street fights end up. Classes range by gym and there's diff plans you can get like monthly membership or daily or yearly so it'll depend. I pay 140 for monthly bjj and muay thai membership but it's like 120 for just one of them. I go to an expensive gym though.

Wrestling my man... Best sport ever

Hi, I'm a 15-year-old boy from Helsinki, Finland, and I've been thinking of starting some martial art for a very long time, and Muay Thai, Krav Maga and BJJ (or maybe JJ?) have caught my interest. I would be very thankful if there would be someone here who could recommend me some martial art (his or her own favorite) and tell me as much as they'd like to about it, or about the ones I mentioned earlier. Also, if you would know any price ranges, it would be great. And, first and foremost, remember that I have never done any martial arts before, and I would like to have one that could handle a streetfight, be good in defending, but I wouldn't still want to start competing. Thank you so much in advance!