> About Japanese ju jitsu?

About Japanese ju jitsu?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Is traditional Japanese jujitsu a complete martial art?? Can it be deadly ?

Attention I'm not talking about brazilian jiu jitsu, but Japanese jujitsu

There is only ONE true Jujutsu, and that is the Japanese art. There are many lineages but they all have the same beginning and are the original.

Everything else is an offshoot of it - even Judo.

It is a complete art and needs nothing.

The claims made by keyboard warrior are fantasies he has of becoming a true fighter.

The fact that Jujutsu(<--- correct spelling and pronunciation) is taught poorly in the west does not mean that the art itself lacks anything. The only thing lacking are the Instructors who teach the are correctly.

You do not need to call it "Japanese Jujutsu". Jujutsu is it.

All forms of fighting and martial arts can be deadly. Jujitsu is a generic term used to describe hundreds of different styles of Japanese martial arts. Just as Karate is a general term used to describe about 50 different styles, some from Okinawa and others from Japan. Taekwondo is a generic term used to describe at least 75 different Korean martial arts.

All Jujitsu, Karate, and Taekwondo systems were originally well rounded/complete systems. Today you really have to take each class, and weigh it for its own merits. some teach their style as a complete art. most unfortunately do not.

There are hundreds of different Japanese Jujitsu systems so you will have to be more specific. Virtually all Japanese Jujitsu today is descended from the Samurai warriors. I think that the closer your style is to being authentic, the more likely it is to be a "complete system."

Previous to the Meiji restoration most Samurai fighting arts like Ju jutsu covered all ranges of fighting and many weapons. After WWII with the banning of most martial schools, entire systems became even more reduced in skill and knowledge with a focus on sport. You would have to look long and hard to find an intact martial system of any kind but there are a few even in America. Most schools teach the residue of the original system thanks to war and government intervention. Time has not been kind to True Traditional martial arts. Just look at the "boxer rebellion" to see what ahs been done to traditional FIGHTING systems.

Like previously stated there are many many styles and this question is far too generic. The style of jujitsu I train in is more modern so it's more self defense and modern styles than some of the more complex traditional jujitsu styles. And yes most styles can be deadly. But the senseis will teach you to remember to use reasonable force and never use more force than that.

Japanese Jiu jitsu is complete in the sense that it covers all areas of combat, it's incomplete in the sense that it'll teach you any of these area's well. Anytime you have an art claiming to have it all, it usually does, but it's all sub-par material that doesn't delve very deeply into the material as say an art that covers just one area of combat. It's because you have so much material to cover, that the teacher doesn't have time to learn it very in depth or teach it in depth.

That's traditional Jiu Jitsu, and that's why me as a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter have demolished JJJ fighters both in their own gyms and in tournaments.

a Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses no weapon or only a short weapon. Yes it can be deadly.

Is traditional Japanese jujitsu a complete martial art?? Can it be deadly ?

Attention I'm not talking about brazilian jiu jitsu, but Japanese jujitsu