> A question about stretching.?

A question about stretching.?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
It depends on your goals. If to prevent injury, then, there is evidence that that doesn't work as well as just warming up.

If to increase your range of motion, then either dynamic stretches, or isometric (PNF) stretches are needed, and both require mild to moderate weightlifting, and both require a good warmup beforehand. In this case, give yourself a day or two rest for the muscle group you are stretching. It is during the rest periods that the muscles get stronger and more flexible.

Dynamic stretching, if done mildly, can BE your warmup. These should be done in the morning within 15 mins of waking up. PNF absolutely requires a proper cardio warmup.

How often should I stretch and how many seconds should I hold a stretch to increase flexibility? I've trained in several martial arts, but I've never been flexible and the stretches we did in class were bare minimum. I'm trying to improve leg flexibility to improve my kicks. Any tips?