> 2 Year boxer vs Me {freestyler} Spar story+Question?

2 Year boxer vs Me {freestyler} Spar story+Question?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
Usually a Boxer worth any kind of merit is fitter, faster and stronger than other people and has more fighting experience, those things can put them in a winning position regardless of rules or lack thereof.

IF someone has what it takes to survive the Boxer's punching ability then they can start to take the Boxer apart in areas that he hasn't trained like leg attacks and throws, but if the Boxer is worth any kind of merit surviving that punching ability is nothing to be sniffed at.

Your guy sounds like he follows some weird rules and isn't particularly good at them. You might have some natural knack for fighting, being able to think clearly in the middle of one or maybe he just wasn't good enough to push you.

Europeans have a different way of boxing. Mainly the eastern block. They don't bob and weave much more straight up. It may seem weird. It just a different way they are taught. Just as with martial arts. Depends on what style you study and country of origin.

So at school there is this polish boxer dude who done boxing for 2 years, and in PE he challenged me to spar with him using boxing gloves, he taught me some boxing fundamentals but it wasn't really anything he just said this is how you punch the right way... we didn't do much, anyway i just freestyle, i analyse how people behave, watch those asian martial arts movies, im asian, anyway so this polish guy was bigger then me and challenged me to a spar, his attitude was arrogant and kind of self centered and aggressive always threatening people saying " you wanna fight huh? i will beat you up or i will knock you out" all the time so i wanted to teach him a lesson, so hes like "were going to spar, you know im going to beat you up so yeah.. im better than you heh"

[ i don't know much about boxing so excuse me if i get some things wrong]

And it started off by him throwing punches and a few jabs and some punches i was blocking them and got hit on the stomach and a few times some more, so then i remembered this Chinese guy who blocked all of his punches while sparing with him with just 1 hand, so i tried that and kept a distance while using speed and precision, my right hand in front of me outward while my left was close to my body, and he was throwing some jabs and i blocked them with my hand near his face, trys to throw a cross, swipe it, trys to throw a hook and then i put my hand where his elbow is but then he cant hook me because i trap his attack, then he trys to throw some punches to my stomach block it all with my hand in front of my stomach, then i realize that he was getting annoyed, and a little confused he tried did some weird body movement and then threw some punch block that, i realized that all i had done was block then i decided to attack and he was covering his face so i throw a punch to the back of his head, back, body, he launches a hook then i evaded by slightly and then he said " ok, if i hit you 1 time on the head then its knockout ok? " so then he starts to throw some weird *** combos and then just keep blocking with my right hand.

Ok i don't want to keep going on and it sounds like im bragging or exaggerating so ill just explain how i achieved this blocking and evading, right hand, ok so i can rotate my arm 180 and i can move it around any direction so ill just say 360 or whatever, i stood a bit sideways and i can extend my arm, use my elbows, use by hands to deflect/block so just combining them altogether was good defense.

Would boxers be so effective if they were against people who do not follow boxing rules? so they can trap punches, swipe punches and pretty much do anything outside the fundamentals of boxing.

And another question, some thing about this guy, do you guys think he was doing boxing right? i don't know if he was but he seemed... he was not weaving a lot or something....some thing about him.... but let me know if you think this guy was doing boxing right.