> 17 Year old traveling alone to thailand?

17 Year old traveling alone to thailand?

Posted at: 2014-09-13 
A fellow student of mine traveled to Asia with me a couple years back but he had to have an adult with him who was a relative of his/had custody of him. Not sure if this was law or just school policy. I guess it is just in case something happens, like you get injured, have to go to a hospital or something like that. Seeing a doctor there is out of pocket expense if you get sick. All the other guys that went and stayed in the boarding school by themselves were 18.

BTW John is right. We went in a group (I only went alone once) and we knew the people who we were staying with and who trained us. Asia is big on ripping off Westerners because they think that if you are a westerner and can afford to travel to Asia you got money and it's there for the taking. I would also stay away from package deals and if you do go, sit tight at the school or go as a group. You leave the school grounds by yourself you are free game. It's not dangerous per se but you do leave yourself open to everything from being scammed because you are inexperienced to getting robbed and they are very good at pick pocketing, even at the school. Your passport is in high demand too. Scams are very creative from someone showing you something (and you didn't even ask for it) and then claiming you hired him to take you around, carry your luggage at the airport and show you to your gate, etc and now you need to pay, a lot.

John and Liondancer gave you good advice But if you do travel there use a money belt don't get drunk or drink scammers are everywhere so be careful ( hard to avoid) Try to mix in don't look like a tourist or a newbie .Personally I found Thailand very safe and had no problems .But others have run into trouble for what ever reason

1. You are too young.

2. If you don't speak Thai, it's pretty tough there. Unfortunately it's not an easy language to master either.

I just answered this question of yours. Did you even read my answer? I told you "don't go for the package deals because you are going to get scammed". And now you are here saying that you are looking for gyms with package deals.

Not very bright are you?

if you are 100% sure that you can take care of yourself and can live alone for a month then you should go

it also depends on your parents ... hope this helped

That is not my life but it my thought says money bag or zoo land.

Im hoping to travel to thailand after i finish school this year and wanting to train at a gym (muay thai) I am researching on gyms that provide accomodation and full time training and im happy to spend a month there. Am i too young to travel alone to thailand?